Automatic Flow Controllers & Pitot Tubes
May the flow be with you...

Platon Automatic Flow Controller - FLOSTATS:
FLOSTATS from Roxspur Measurement & Control are automatic flow control devices for liquids or gases. Once adjusted to the required value, flow is maintained accurately at this rate independent of pressure fluctuations in the supply or varying backpressures down-stream of the meter. No electrical power or external flow measurement input is required – the Flostat control system uses the line pres-sure available.
FLOSTATS are ideal for blending or dosing applications to maintain the required delivery of valuable gases or liquids, despite process line-pressure changes. Similarly, FLOSTATS are ideal for use on gas sampling, purging or inert gas blanketing systems to maintain flow rate independent of back pressure. Bubbler type liquid level measurement systems benefit from improved accuracy and lower gas usage when fitted with a FLOSTAT. To assist in setting the correct flow rate, the Flostat type MN is frequently installed in line with a Platontype GU, NGI, LGI, NGIX, or LGIX variable area flowmeter.

- Automatic
- No power required
- Adjustable over wide range
- High accuracy
- Fast response
- Gases or liquids
- Suitable for use on flammable liquids
HVAC systems, water treatment plants, Oil and Gas operations, agricultural irrigation, power generation, wastewater management, fire protection systems
Operation & Maintenance Manual:
Platon Automatic Flow Controller - FLOSTAT Type FV:
Platon Type FV Flostats automatically regulate the flow of liquids or gases by using available line pressure. Once adjusted to the required value, flow is maintained accurately at this rate independent of supply pressure fluctuations or varying back pressure downstream of the meter. No electrical power or external flow measurement input is required – the Flostat control system uses the available line pressure to control the balanced control valve, maintaining the flow rate at the operator preset value.

- Fully automatic flow control
- No power required
- 1/2” - 4” line sizes
- 10:1 control range
- Fast response
- Suitable for hazardous liquids or gases
Chemical processing, water treatment, pharmaceutical manufacturing, food and beverage industry, automotive manufacturing
Operation & Maintenance Manual:
Platon Automatic Flow Controller - FLOSTAT Type B & LB:
An automatic flow control valve and governor to limit the maximum rate of liquid flow in a pipe -irrespective of
pressure changes – whilst presenting the minimum resistance to normal flow.

- Automatic - no power required
- High accuracy - balanced control valve
- Fast response - short feedback path
- Simple and reliable
Industrial cooling systems, chemical injection systems, water supply systems, boiler feedwater, pulp and paper industry
- Available on request
Platon Averaging Pitot Tube: Flo-Bar
The Flo-Bar is an Averaging Pitot Tube flow sensor for use on pipes, ducts or chimneys. Differential pressure created across the Flo-Bar has the standard square root relationship to flow rate, making a simple, removable sensor for installation or retrofit on flowlines of any size.
The unique design of the Flo-Bar profile provides a high accuracy, wide rangeability sensor: the standard integral manifold allows simple process isolation and easy installation of a DP measurement cell.

- Flow sensor for liquids, gases or steam
- ±1% Accuracy with standard square root flow output
- Full electron beam welded construction
- Unique profile sensor with flow averaging
- Integral 3 valve manifold
- Simple direct mounting of DP transmitter if required
- Plain head and remote manifolds available
HVAC Systems, industrial process control, power generation, water and wastewater management, oil and gas industry
Operation & Maintenance Manual:
Platon In-Line Pitot Tube:
The In-Line Pitot “Flo-bar” are Stainless Steel pipe sections with welded-in pitot probes, available for ½” to 2″ pipes. They are supplied fitted with ¼” ball valves to provide process isolation.

- Flow sensors for liquids or gases
- ±1% of actual flow rate
- Full electron beam welded construction
- Flow averaging
- Internal isolation ball valve
- No power supply required
Industrial process control, food and beverage industry, auerospace and aviation, marine ans shipbiulding, research and development
Brochure / Overview:
Flowing with precision:
Unlock the Power of Precision: Why Analogue Industrial Flowmeters Matter. In the fast-paced world of industrial operations, accuracy is non-negotiable. Discover why analogue flowmeters remain a cornerstone of efficiency and reliability in measuring fluid flow. From their robust design to real-time data insights, analogue flowmeters offer unparalleled precision for critical processes. Explore the enduring necessity of analogue technology in optimizing performance and ensuring seamless operations. Dive into our comprehensive guide and unleash the potential of analogue flow measurement for your industry needs. Elevate your workflow, elevate your results—experience the difference with PLATON flowmeters today.